This is the journey of two women (and one of their moms) on the way to losing a combined total of 300lbs. We will talk about the good, the bad, the fatty, and everything in between. Sometimes there will be some bitching, and sometimes there will be some gushy ridiculousness, but it's all in an effort to keep us on the right track to being healthier and more confident women.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


First of all, woot to for having a mobile app. My phone doesn't like the website. This makes things easier. 

Last night I had this dream that all of my belly fat just disappeared like in that Nationwide Insurance Commercial.  I wish they could do that because I have insurance with them.  My hips have lost at least another inch but my gut is still there. 

I need to either start going to the gym more or start doing the fitness games I have for Wii more.  And I need to get off work in time to make it to Taekwondo more than once or twice a week.  I also need to keep better track of my calories. I know last night my dinner of meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and butter covered broccoli wasn't exactly on the low end of the calorie scale. 

I need to stop being lazy and get off my ass and really work at this.  Ugh. 

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