This is the journey of two women (and one of their moms) on the way to losing a combined total of 300lbs. We will talk about the good, the bad, the fatty, and everything in between. Sometimes there will be some bitching, and sometimes there will be some gushy ridiculousness, but it's all in an effort to keep us on the right track to being healthier and more confident women.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Hot Guys

I have to admit that feeling better about myself isn't the only reason that I am trying to get thin. Being healthy isn't the only reason either. I am trying to get thin and feel like I'm gorgeous for one very specific reason.


Yes, I know I have very little chance of actually even meeting the man, let alone having him fall in love with me, but it's nice to have something to aim for, right?

Now, once a week on this blog, on Saturdays, Cally and I will be making a post dedicated to one of the very hot guys that have been inspiring us to get thin and beautiful. We have a very long list of names and rather than do our favorites first and the others later, I have taken these names and put them into what I call the JAR OF HOTNESS to be drawn at random.

The list is long enough we might end up doing this more than once a week but I don't know. It might get a little redundant because each post will be headed with our "once a week" explanation. Of course, if we didn't have a list and didn't draw names at random, pretty much every week would be dedicated to the awesome gorgeousness that is Jeremy Renner.

Just saying.


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