This is the journey of two women (and one of their moms) on the way to losing a combined total of 300lbs. We will talk about the good, the bad, the fatty, and everything in between. Sometimes there will be some bitching, and sometimes there will be some gushy ridiculousness, but it's all in an effort to keep us on the right track to being healthier and more confident women.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

I haven't posted to this in almost a year.  I've been lazy, not going to lie.  I haven't been watching my calories and I haven't been exercising.  I had to go back to Pizza Hut full time because things happened that made it so that I lost the job at Einstein.  Because of this, I am unable to go on the trip that I had been planning for two years.  On top of that, my daughter was accepted to and got a scholarship for a boarding school in LA and is required to be there the same weekend as Dragon Con so that means I won't be able to go to Dragon Con until 2018 at the absolute earliest.  That gives me plenty of time to save up, right?

I noticed recently that I've gotten back up to a size 14.  This is all because I stopped trying.  I stopped working out and I stopped eating right and I haven't really cared about what happens to me.  This is a BAD place to be in, no doubt.  I know what I need to do and I still haven't done it.

I left 24 Hour Fitness.  They were charging me $40 a month for a membership that I wasn't really using because it was all the way on the other side of town and very inconvenient to get to.  I changed to a gym that is literally right across the street from where I work and it's only $10 a month.  And yet I still haven't used it.  This time it's all an excuse.  It's convenient, it's easy to get to.  All I have to do is either wake up early so I can work out before work or head over after work.  I have not been doing this.  Laziness has set in as well as apathy.  All of this because I no longer have a specific goal to work toward.

I know that all of that needs to change and yet I am doing nothing to change it.  I keep coming up with excuses.  I need to stop doing that.

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